First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Did someone refer you to our council? If so, who?
Credential Applying for
Ordained Minister
Licensed Minister
Commissed Minister
Urban Missionary
Are you married?
If yes, how long?
If divorced, what is the date of divorce?
If remarried, what is the date of remarriage?
Please give detailed description of the circumstances of the divorce
Spouse Name
First Name
Last Name
Names of Children, their age, and gender
Have you ever been convicted of a felony?
If yes, explain:
Name and Address of High School
Did you graduate and what year?
Name and Address of College
Did you graduate and what year?
Do you have a degree?
Of what church are you a member:
What is your present ministerial standing:
Other Organizations of Which You are a member of: List below
List below dates of service, position/title, church/org name and location:
Have you served in the military? If yes - what dates, rank at discharge, type of discharge, etc. (If not honorable discharge, please explain)
Please let us know who you will be asking a letter of reference from. It should be three. It can be from the church board and/or denomination you are now
serving. Or another ministry.
Also, provide names, complete mail and e-mail address, and phone numbers of the three (3) personal references.
Letters of reference should be sent via email to
Please elaborate on the following: Your doctrinal beliefs on each of the statements listed in our CCCC statement of Faith, with Scriptural references.
Please elaborate on the following: Your views on the nature and role of the Church and the place of Christianity among world religions.
Please elabrate on the following: Your views on the following doctrines: (a) baptism, (b) communion, (c) eschatology, (d) charismatic movement, e) predestination, (f) eternal security, (g) any other doctrines that are especially important to you. Include Scripture references in your statements.
Please elaborate on the following: Why do you desire membership in the CHCCM? How can the CHCCM help you? How can you help the CHCCM?
List what you believe to be your spiritual gifts for ministry.
Please check box to indicate your affirmation.
Check the boxes as affirmation of your agreement with the statements.
If accepted into membership I promise to support the Conference by my influence and means as the Lord enables me.
It is my purpose, with God’s help, to keep my conduct above reproach, to live a life worthy of my calling, and to abstain from habits that do not glorify God or edify His church.
I will seek the counsel of the Bishop, Regional Minister or other Executive Council member in situations involving serious division issues pertaining to my ministry and in cases of serious personal problems affecting my ministry.